Finland Oman School Profile

finland oman school
Finland Oman School Courses

Finland Oman School

Finland Oman School is the result of a partnership between Oman Educational Services LLC (OES), the owner Company of the German University of Technology in Oman (GUtech), and educational partners from Finland. Both OES and our Finnish partners have extensive experience in managing educational institutions and applying best quality teaching and learning practices. Finland Oman School builds on experiences and know-how from the Finnish education system, which utilizes bench-marked research-based pedagogy and innovative approaches to teaching and learning. To ensure continuous implementation of Finnish practices, we have successfully recruited and stationed school-experienced Finnish management staff at our Finland Oman School and within OES.


Learning is meant to be fun, active, and engaging. The Joy of learning is key.

Learning happens everywhere. It takes place inside and outside of the classroom and through practical activities and programs. It is a continuous, cyclical process where know-how is acquired and applied each day in different areas of life.

A phenomenon-based learning and cross-curricular approach are characteristic of Finnish education, and at F.O.S. In phenomenon-based learning, holistic real-world phenomena provide the starting point for learning. The phenomena are studied as complete entities, in their real context, and the information and skills related to them are studied by crossing the boundaries between different subjects.

The STEAM framework − meaning Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics – is used to facilitate this cross-curricular approach and to combine subjects and teachers. At Finland Oman School, students are prepared for the world and for their future.

Art, Physical Education and Music follow the Finnish National Core Curriculum in terms of subject content.

The curriculum for ICT and Life Skills draws on features from a Bilingual and Finnish Core Curriculum, as the subjects are integrated in the teaching and learning of other subjects.

Assessment is a natural part of daily schoolwork. Focus is not on high-stakes exams but rather the use of continuous assessment and various assessment methods allowing students different ways to show their learning progress. Lifelong learning is emphasized.

Focus on student well-being. A healthy breakfast and lunch, as well as active breaks and time for play, are included on the school days. Each student has a class- or homeroom teacher who is in regular contact with parents.

Every student has a right to educational support. Special Needs Education is generally provided in conjunction with mainstream education.

The common objectives of the subjects are crystallized as transversal competence areas:

Well-being and self-care

Thinking and learning-to-learn skills

Interaction skills, multidisciplinary and creative competences

Social competence, ethical and environmental competences

Global and cultural competences

Cultural competence


Information and Communication Technology

Work-life skills and entrepreneurship

Participation in planning and evaluation of own learning; influencing and building sustainable future.


The Finland Oman School offers pr-school (KG1 & KG2), primary and secondary education in a bilingual speaking environment. The school welcomes applications for admission from all nationalities. For the school year 2021–2022, admission is open for KG 1 through grade 11.

Every student that applies to the school goes through the admissions placement process, which includes relevant screening tests and diagnostic tests. The purpose of the admissions placement process is to make sure that every child will be placed in the most appropriate grade level based on their skills, after consultation with parents. It is also to ensure that the school has got the right resources to handle exceptional learning requirements manifested by students.

English proficiency is also assessed during the admissions placement process in order to identify possible needs for language support programmes. Language support programmes will be an integral part of subjects, and they will be defined in individual education plans, and will be carried out through differentiation.

Screening will be based on holistic evaluation of each child’s learning requirements. In the admissions placement process, the school will equally value academic, social, emotional, and motor skills, as well as behaviour.